10,000 pins = 10,000 lives touched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Twenty-five years ago, at the Calgary Olympics, the concept of the “Jesus Pin” became the foundation of a ministry that would become internationally recognized for its effectiveness in sharing the Gospel. While people from all over the world join together for the Games, our International Sports Chaplains use the spectator sport of pin-trading to create an instant bridge of communication with others.
The key to the success of our ministry is the “Jesus Pin.” Tens of thousands of pins are traded on a daily basis at the Olympics. The New York Times stated that “pins are a kind of social currency, a pre-Facebook form of social media that gives random fans a reason to start a conversation and even form a friendship.” By taking advantage of this popular activity, our Chaplains are able to open conversations with hundreds of people each day. Since the initial topic is the “Jesus Pin,” the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of attention and the path to Salvation is the story told each time a pin is shared.
As we enter into our fourteenth Olympic Games this February, we will be taking 10,000 pins with us into Russia. Each person that receives a pin will also be introduced to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Divine appointments are waiting for us and our veteran Chaplains know how completely we are held in the hand of God during this time.
Just as salvation is a free gift, so is the pin we give. We do not ask for a pin in trade, instead, we only ask that the recipient listen as we share our story. We would like to ask for your help in making this possible.
Each of these beautiful pins are only $2. Would you consider helping us cover their production costs? Every $2 you contribute is another person our Chaplains are able to meet, allowing the Spirit of God to move in hearts from across the world. The shipment of pins arrives December 14th and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
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